Teufel Tennis, LLC
"Teaching a Sport of a Lifetime!"

Teufel Tennis, LLC
Private Instruction
Teufel Tennis, LLC is glad to offer private instruction at both Evendale Tennis Center and Indian Hill Swim Club. I will be personally teaching these private lessons. Sign up at tenniscompass.com and use your credit card (PayPay) to book your weekly time!
10 hours of private lessons.............$550
5 hours of private lessons................$300
1 hour of private lesson.....................$65
Group Summer Clinics
Indian Hill Club through Teufel Tennis, LLC
This year at IHC we will again be following the new USTA guidelines for Junior Tennis
Development for kids ages 12 and under. Each program has specific court sizes and
balls that add to the fun of younger players making it easier to learn the game as well.
Consideration will be given to a child's ability level to make sure he or she is in the right
group, not just the age of the child.
All classes will be help Mondays and Wednesdays
Session 1: June 1, 3, 8, 10, 15 and 17
Session 2: June 22, 24, 29, and July 1, 6, and 8
Session 3: July 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, and 29 (We may have a makeup day Aug 3 or 5 if necessary)
Cost: $50
Daily Cost (per hour): $10